The congregation holds an Annual General Meeting, usually in March, at which time it elects members to serve on the congregational council, the nominating committee and the audit committee. A special congregational meeting is usually held in December to approve a budget for the coming year.

Congregational Council

The congregational council has nine members who are elected to three-year terms.  Each year, the council elects from its own membership, a chair, vice-chair, treasurer and secretary.

The congregational council functions primarily as a governance board. Its prime responsibilities include setting strategic directions for the congregation, establishing and reviewing policies that guide day to day operations and programming, overseeing the work of the pastor, preparing an annual budget and monitoring the financial health of the congregation.

Council members also serve on one of the three standing committees of the council:  Finance, Governance and Mutual Ministry.

Program Committees

The planning for and carrying out of programming is delegated by the council to a number of program committees. Currently we have eight program committees.

  • Children’s Education
  • Congregational Care & Community Outreach
  • Property
  • Social Ministry
  • Stewardship
  • Worship
  • Youth & Young Adults

Can you help in any of these areas?

Whether you are new to the congregation or are long-time member, committees welcome hearing from anyone wishing to volunteer their time and talent.  Please contact the church office ( or 204-452-4326) and someone will be happy to connect you with a member of the committee that matches your interests.