Donate by E-Transfer
To donate by e-transfer, please use as the email address. Include a message to indicate how you wish your donation to used (e.g., General Offering, Memorial Gift, Urban Meals, etc.). Your financial institution may charge a small service fee for each transfer sent.
Donate by Cheque
Please make cheques payable to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and mail to:
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
600 Cambridge Street
Winnipeg, MB R3M 3G9
Unless otherwise indicated, donations will be directed to our general offering fund. Please note that receipts will be dated as of the date the donation was received, not the date shown on the cheque.
Donate using Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
If you would like to set up a bi-monthly or monthly regular donation, we encourage you to do so by completing a PAD application.
Learn more . . .Donate through Canada Helps
PLEASE NOTE: When donating through Canada Helps, your charitable receipt will come from Canada Helps for the full amount of your donation. Canada Helps will forward your donation to St. Mark’s less a 4% commission fee.
Donate Securities
St. Mark’s is able to accept donations of securities. To request a copy of the form needed to initiate a donation, send an email to
Once you have completed that form, return it to the church office and it will be forwarded to the church’s broker.
Receipts for Charitable Donations
If your are not currently a St. Mark’s envelope holder, a receipt for your donation will be issued by St. Mark’s by February 28th following the year in which the donation was given. Note that receipts will be dated according to the date the donation was received.
Donations received from St. Mark’s envelope holders are recorded throughout the year and a receipt is issued in February of the following year.
If you need further clarification about any of the donation methods, please contact the