St. Mark’s strives to be an open welcoming community of faith and invites those gathering with us for worship to join as a member of the congregation.

Baptized Membership Roster

Baptism is the foundational means by which we become members of the body of Christ. St. Mark’s is a local expression of this body of faith.

The baptized membership of St. Mark’s consists of those persons who have been baptized in this congregation, whether as a child or as an adult or have been previously baptized in another congregation in the name of the Triune God.

For persons baptized in other congregations, becoming a baptized member of St. Mark’s requires either an official transfer of membership from another Lutheran congregation, or another congregation of a church in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada (e.g. The Anglican Church of Canada) or making a public affirmation of faith.

Confirmed Membership Roster

Becoming a confirmed member means that a baptized member has affirmed their baptism through a public affirmation of faith at a worship service.  Confirmed membership indicates that the individual has taken personal ownership of their faith relationship with Christ.

With teens, this process usually means completing our two-year confirmation program prior to the service of Confirmation.

With adults it involves either attending an instruction course or workshop; or transferring in as a confirmed member from another Lutheran or Anglican congregation.

Who to contact regarding becoming a member

Persons desiring to join as a member, or desiring to have their child become a baptized member, are encouraged to speak with the pastor for more details.