The vibrancy of the St. Mark’s community is due in no small part to the willingness of members to become involved in the life of congregation.
St. Mark’s is fortunate to have paid staff members who provide support for the mission and ministry of the congregation. The vast majority of our programming, however, would not happen without the generous gifts of volunteer time and talent received from our members.
How can I help?
There are numerous opportunities available for you to contribute to the life of the congregation. People are ready and eager to provide training. Here are a few examples of how you can get involved.
- Fill one or more of the support roles at a Sunday service. These include reading the scripture lessons, being an usher, greeter, worship assistant or communion assistant, advancing the PowerPoint slides as the service progresses or operating the sound system.
- Can you make coffee? Volunteer to put on the coffee maker before service and help tidy up the kitchen following the post-service fellowship time.
- Have a knack for balancing your cheque book? Volunteers are needed following service to count the offering and make the bank deposit.
- Make the necessary preparations for Holy Communion by filling individual wine glasses and setting out the communion vessels on the altar and cleaning up following the service. Volunteers also bake the bread we use for Communion using our very own secret recipe.
- Help out in the kitchen during our monthly pot-luck lunches or with our regular coffee-hours that follow worship services.
- Have a green thumb? Help with the annual spring clean-up of our community garden plots in preparation for another growing season.
- Share your vocal or instrumental musical talent during our worship services.
- Be a teacher or helper in our Sunday School program
- Plan and organize events by becoming a member of one of our program committees (e.g. Worship, Fellowship, Youth, Education).
- Assist with the monthly meal we serve at the Lutheran Urban Mission (a.k.a. the Urban Meal program) or be a driver for the Meals on Wheels program.
- Sign up for a week or two of grass cutting duties or during the winter, being available for a week or two to clear our sidewalks and steps of snow. We have the equipment. You supply the person-power.
- Join the Summer Garden Brigade. Members take turns watering and weeding the flower beds.
- Be a hospitality host at a Cambridge Coffeehouse
- Know the difference between a Robertson and Phillips screwdriver? Our Property Committee always welcomes help in taking care of minor maintenance issues inside and outside of the building.
Interested in helping in some way? Please contact the church office. A member of our staff will be happy to connect you an individual who can provide more information. You may also indicate your availability for specific tasks by checking out our Volunteer Centre located in the Parish Hall.