In Feb / March 2022, St. Mark’s took initial steps to create a Reconciliation Ministry focus by hosting two presentations by Jim Thunder of “Reconciliation Thunder”. The presentations focused on Canada’s colonization methods (such as the Doctrine of Discovery and the Indian Act), how they have harmed Indigenous people, and the role of churches in some of these methods.
Presentation Recordings
Session 2 (Presentation Slides) – PDF Version/ PowerPoint version
Reconciliation Workshop – May 7, 2022
Following up to two sessions on the need for reconciliation presented by Jim Thunder, the Social Ministry Committee hosted a workshop to discern what might be recommended to St Mark’s Church Council related to the congregation’s reconciliation work. Read the Reconciliation Workshop Notes.
Resource Materials Highlighted in Session 2
Jim has recommended the following resources in response to questions posed during the presentation:
In response to the question about speaking to grandchildren:
In response to questions about the Indian Act:
Another video about the Indian Act generally:
Other Resource Materials
Those interested in doing some reading in advance of the presentation are invited to explore any or all of the following resource materials
Reconciliation Thunder- Timeline
Dear Younger Me: An Open Letter to my Younger Self
“Race, Trauma, and the Doctrine of Discovery” – Mark Charles
An excellent 1 hour session which lays a great foundation using Church history
We Don’t Just Need Jesus: Part 1
We Just Need Jesus: Part 2
Faith Today article
Christianity Today article
Racism and the Church
Horizon Video Series
Indigenizing the Cooperative Model (This one is useful reading but is not faith-based)